Cyber News

Friday, October 23, 2015

Travelling to the South/East in Israel: The Dead Sea - A Hot Gem in the Desert

A Great Tourist Attraction: The Dead Sea 

(the lowest point on earth with high percentage of salt in the water and therefore no fish; great for therapeutic and beauty treatment)

Last week, we spend a very nice afternoon at the edge of the Judian Desert, south of Massada (the famous Herodian citadel known for the Great Revolt against Rome during the rule of the notorious Titus Caesar).

The weather was great (29 degrees Celsius), the view was spectacular and we met some very interesting tourists on the way. Normally at this time of the year (until May) the weather is very nice and not too hot. The temperature on a "cold" January day can reach 24 degrees Celsius.

We met locals who visited for a nice day at the beach, tourists from Russia (this is a favorite place to come from the cold), Germany and other places.

The young German tourists practiced weightlessness in the water:

We stopped at Zohar on the southern edge of the Dead Sea, shown here. This is view from the highway above:

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